The Create New Avatar wizard walks through all of the steps to select an avatar character, specify a language model, specify and extract information from your website and create a test page to view your avatar. There are two options for the language model; you can connect to DialogFlow or ChatGPT. In either case, information will be extracted from your website and the avatar will be able to answer questions immediately upon completion.
Dialogflow Option #
- Select Create New Avatar.
- Choose an avatar character. A preview will display in the pane on the right. Select Next (>).
- Change your language model. Select Dialogflow. Select Next (>).
- Give your avatar a name, specify your organization and provide a Job Description for the avatar. The Job Description will provide a role for your avatar. Select Next (>).
- The information you just provided is summarized in a text box. You can further edit this information which will be used to provide context to the language model. Select Next (>).
- Select the option to specify a website URL or submit documents. Pasting the URL of a website allows the avatar to ‘scrape’ the website for information (extract information) and start training the avatar. “Import your file” uploads documents to the knowledge base. This provides additional training for the avatar. When using “Import your file” you can click on the field and select the files from the file open dialog, or you can drag and drop files onto the field.
- After pasting a URL or specifying documents, select Submit. The message, “Just a moment, I’m learning about your company” displays. Additional messages display as the data is processed. This may take a few minutes.
- When the process is complete a summary page displays.
- Select the pink check mark button to close the page. The new avatar is now the currently selected avatar in the portal.
- Select ‘Preview your avatar’ to display your newly created avatar on a test page.
- Type a question into the text line a customer might ask about your website or select the microphone and ask the question.
- Go to the Conversation page to see the link to the new Dialogflow agent.
ChatGPT Option #
- Select Create New Avatar.
- Choose an avatar character. A preview will display in the pane on the right. Select Next (>).
- Change your language model. Select ChatGPT. Select Next (>).
- Give your avatar a name, specify your organization and provide a Job Description for the avatar. The Job Description will provide a role for your avatar. Select Next (>).
- The information you just provided is summarized in a text box. You can further edit this information which will be used to provide context to the language model. Select Next (>).
- Select the option to specify a website URL or submit documents. Pasting the URL of a website allows the avatar to ‘scrape’ the website for information (extract information) and start training the avatar. “Import your file” uploads documents to the knowledge base. This provides additional training for the avatar. When using “Import your file” you can click on the field and select the files from the file open dialog, or you can drag and drop files onto the field.
- After pasting a URL or specifying documents, select Submit. The message, “Just a moment, I’m learning about your company” displays. Additional messages display as the data is processed. This may take a few minutes.
- When the process is complete a summary page displays.
- Select the pink check mark button to close the page. The new avatar is now the currently selected avatar in the portal.
- Select ‘Preview your avatar’ to display your newly created avatar on a test page.
- Type a question into the text line a customer might ask about your website or select the microphone and ask the question.