Edit Avatar

Filter Avatars #

Type numbers or letters to filter the list of displayed avatars.

Clone #

Create a copy of an existing avatar.  The owner is assigned to the person creating the clone.

NOTE: The avatar owner should be the same person / email address for the Dialogflow project.

Delete #

Select the delete button for the avatar to be deleted.  Select Delete to confirm.

Edit #

  1. Select an avatar from the displayed list of avatars. Once an avatar is selected, characters and voices can be selected and conversations can be created and edited.
  2. Edit any of the following fields.
    • Name – Create a name to identify your avatar.
    • Avatar ID – Create an ID for your avatar (note: it will be viewable in your source code). Your ID should include only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores.
    • Description – A few words to describe your avatar (i.e. “Production version” or “Development version”) to help you keep your avatars organized.
    • Code to embed in your site – Copy this script tag and paste it into the header section of your website to enable the avatar.  This is a display only field.
    • Permissions
      1. Enabled Sites – Enter the URL that is authorized to display your avatar. If you need to authorize multiple sites, enter them all here, separated by a comma.

What are your feelings
Updated on October 5, 2023